He looks like a Bosmer in fur armor - a mean Bosmer, or at least, a sober Bosmer. The front cover hosts snapshots of a frozen lake and rustic cottages but inside a different caption catches my eye: Nords and Rieklings and Bears, oh my! Below it is an image of a little man on a boar. I've never seen that in Mournhold or Vvardenfell, have you? It is magic. and the photos show me pale, mothy-looking stuff falling from the sky. I'm sitting and reading the morning paper when a glossy brochure drops through my mail slot. These Sweetbarrels need more watering than you'd think. I've been kicking around in Mournhold for a while, lately exchanging my glass boots for a pair of fuzzy house slippers. Other interviews and information on the upcoming expansion are available at the Elder Scrolls Official Site. She chats with the Bloodmoon designer: first as an Imperial soldier on his way to Solstheim, then as a werewolf lurking among the snow-freighted trees outside the Imperial fort of Frostmoth. My Telvanni witch Withershyn (as always, only marginally in-character, and dreaming of Ordinators and jacuzzis) journeys to the remote, frozen island of Solstheim, where the new story takes place. Full-time Bloodmoon Guru and part-time werewolf Mark Nelson joins me for a two-part, in-character interview on the expansion.

"Elder Scrolls fans and werewolf aficionados eagerly await Bloodmoon, the latest Morrowind expansion from Bethesda Softworks, due for release this May, 2003.