The AMD Catalyst™ Install Manager will confirm when the installation is complete. Download this PC Repair Tool to quickly find & fix Windows errors automatically, uninstall and reinstall the graphics drivers, download and install the latest version of Intel drivers, download and install the latest version of AMD drivers, Download the Display Driver Uninstaller Utility, Download PC Repair Tool to quickly find & fix Windows errors automatically, Inspired by Netflix original movie, Microsoft wants to teach you AI and Machine Learning, Windows 10 Optional Update removes Adobe Flash Player for good, Reasons to use a VPN software for your new Windows PC, Manage? To launch an SFC scan, you should do the following: Go to Windows Search and input Locate Command Prompt and right-click on it. Step 5: After restarting the computer, Windows will reinstall the driver you have uninstalled automatically.

Also you can use the taskbar icon to open it. The AMD - Catalyst Install Manager window will open allowing the user to select the preferred language. Also open it by clicking right-click on the desktop, and call up the context menu. A system restart is required to complete the installation process.

After logging in you can close it and return to this page. Have your drivers automatically updated with DriverFix.